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Belmont Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Tips For Breast Reconstruction Recovery in Maryland

May 5, 2014 - by Dr. Jules Feledy

Tips For Breast Reconstruction Recovery in Maryland

If you are undergoing breast reconstruction in Maryland after mastectomy or an injury, you will need to follow Dr. Feledy’s post-op instructions to ensure that you heal completely and achieve the results you need. The procedure is designed to create an exact match to your existing breast, and is typically performed immediately after mastectomy. Taking good care of your body before and after the procedure is essential for a healthy recovery. There are several things you can do to speed up recovery time.

Here are some tips to improve the recovery time after breast reconstruction in Maryland:

Get Support

The support of friends and family members is invaluable and you will need to stay connected to people who love you as you go through the recovery process. Talk to people if you are feeling down because you have to limit activities as you heal. Make sure you are participating in social activities when possible.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Certain lifestyle habits can affect how quickly you recover from breast reconstruction in Maryland or any other type of surgery. Eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and limiting alcohol intake will make it easier for your body to heal itself after a procedure. Smoking, lack of sleep, or even too much stress can take their tolls on your body and slow down the recovery process. Take good care of your health during recovery so that your body can heal and repair itself as quickly as possible.

Get More Rest

After surgery, the last thing you want to do is stress out your body with too many activities. Make sure you are taking naps when you feel tired and are getting enough quality sleep every night. Skimping on sleep or pushing yourself through the day when you are too tired can interfere with the healing process and slow down your recovery time.

Take Care of Your Body

Make sure to follow Dr. Feledy’s post-op instructions regarding physical activities and exercise. As you heal, take the time to do light leg stretches and practice deep breathing exercises. These activities can help you feel more balanced as you recover.

Learn more about the procedure and recovery for breast reconstruction by setting up a consultation with Dr. Feledy today!

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The surgeons at Belmont Plastic Surgery are here to help you take the next step on your aesthetic journey. Whether you want to restore what has been lost or improve upon what you already have, our surgeons will help you make the best possible choices for your care and deliver excellent results. Every day is an opportunity to live a more beautiful life. Seize your opportunity today with a consultation at Belmont Plastic Surgery.

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