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Brazilian Butt Lift
in Washington, DC

Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift

Shape and Augment the Buttocks

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

A Brazilian Butt Lift uses natural fatty tissue to shape and augment the buttocks through injections (rather than implants). Through a procedure called fat grafting, candidates can get more shapely and larger buttocks. The Brazilian Butt Lift is often chosen by women who feel that larger buttocks would balance or enhance their body proportions by reducing their waist-to-hip ratio without increasing overall body mass. A Brazilian Butt Lift is less invasive than buttock augmentation, which uses artificial implants.

Improve the Contours of Your Body

What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

One of the major benefits of the Brazilian Butt Lift process is that the fat used to enhance the buttocks is taken from the patient's own body, greatly lowering rejection rates and eliminating many risks.

The excess fat is removed through liposuction surgery, improving the contours of other areas of the body as an extra benefit of the fat collection process. The Brazilian Butt Lift procedure is typically an elective chosen only for cosmetic reasons. However, it may also help treat some deformities or a disfiguring traumatic injury. Make sure to contact us today to schedule your consultation to get the best results for your Brazilian Butt Lift in Washington DC

Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift


What are the benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The most popular reason to have a Brazilian butt lift surgery is to improve the proportions of your physique. The injections improve your buttocks, giving you the figure you've always desired. This surgery also reshapes your buttocks, allowing you to alter your body's natural curvature. This implies you can get an hourglass appearance or just enlarge your buttocks. The decision is entirely yours. Aside from increasing the size, height, and shape of your buttocks, you will also shed unnecessary fat from other areas of your body, such as your hips, thighs, and stomach. The doctors at Belmont Plastic Surgery are inspired by ensuring you a natural-looking enhancement with instant results that helps your clothes fit better and eliminates cellulite through a Brazilian Butt Lift.


What are the steps of the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure?

The butt lift procedure begins with the liposuction of fat from target areas such as the thighs, abdomen, sides, and lower back. An ultrasonic probe will be placed through small incisions during the liposuction stage to melt the extra fat and tighten the skin. It uses ultrasound technology to release heat into the fatty tissue, dissolving fat cells. Once the fat cells have been melted, another cannula is utilized to remove the melted fat from the targeted location in preparation for the fat transfer. Following removal, the fat undergoes a processing and purification procedure to ensure the best results before being injected into the buttocks through a series of injections positioned at various locations and depths according to your desired outcome.

Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift

“My whole life I always had, basically, just no butt. The more I exercised to get one; it seemed like it just went away more. I finally heard of a Brazilian Butt Lift. Dr. Feledy did exactly what I wanted, and I couldn't be happier!”

- S.R.*

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery

Following a Brazilian Butt Lift Washington DC patients may experience swelling and bruising in the area. Only 65-85% of the injected fat will remain, with the rest absorbed by the body. However, Dr. Feledy makes sure to inject enough that you will not notice the loss of fat. After a few days, the swelling will subside.

Rest will be recommended for at least two weeks, during which time a compression garment may be worn for healing benefits. Work may be resumed after a few weeks but expect full recovery to take 1-2 months. Wear the appropriate compression clothes to assist the skin tightening and healing; avoid smoking, vaping, or using tobacco products. Tobacco reduces blood oxygen flow and hinders recovery; thus, using it may prevent the transferred fat cells from forming. Rest and avoid strenuous activities such as working out or driving. While you can undoubtedly get up and move around after a day or two, take a shower, and prepare light meals, you should still take it easy. Lying down on your side or stomach and resting will help speed up healing and reduce swelling.

Brazilian Butt Lift


Brazilian Butt Lift Results

Your final results should be available within six months. You will lose some of the fat injected during the treatment over the first several months after surgery. However, your Chevy Chase Brazilian Butt Lift surgeon will take this into account when transferring the fat to ensure that you will still have lots of curves in the long term.

How Long Will the Results of Your Brazilian Butt Lift Last?

Results of a Brazilian butt lift usually are long-lasting; patients who’ve had work done almost always see results they love. Still, there is some risk involved in any surgery. A small percentage of patients might see their effects diminish over time—sometimes as soon as two years after surgery, but more often in 10 to 15 years. Several factors can affect how well your BBL stays put: age, genetics, and smoking habits, just to name a few.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Side Effects

Are there any side effects to a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The most common problem resulting from a Brazilian Butt Lift is a physical appearance that is not balanced or does not appear as expected, often due to insufficient communication regarding the outcome. To prevent any such dissatisfaction, plastic surgeon Dr. Feledy will thoroughly communicate with each patient before and after the procedure to ensure a satisfactory result. Extremely rare side effects include bleeding and infection. Belmont Plastic Surgery does everything possible to ensure that we provide you with the best and safest BBL Washington DC, patients are looking for. Set up your consultation today.

Brazilian Butt Lift


What to expect in your consultation:

While this procedure may be used on a variety of body types, the ideal candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift is not more than 30 pounds overweight but with some excess fat around the buttocks that can be used for fat grafting. Extremely fit candidates with low body fat may not have enough excess fat. Candidates should be at least 18 years of age, in excellent mental and physical health, and should thoroughly research all aspects of the procedure. If you’d like to find out more about how to get the best Brazilian Butt Lift Washington DC has available, contact us to set up your free consultation and see how we can help you achieve your goal. The caring staff of Belmont Plastic Surgery will meet with you and make sure that any questions you have about financing and insurance are answered completely.

Additional Reading

Dr. Feledy will also show you before and after photographs of his patients so you can look at his earlier work and see actual results for yourself and what to expect. It is important that you and Dr. Feledy agree on the cosmetic details of your surgery in order to obtain the results that you want.

The butt lift has become a very common procedure in the last few years. It can be carried out with fantastic results. Using patients' own fat is often an appealing fact most new patients don't know is possible. - Dr. Jules Feledy

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift Vs. Implants

Although the two processes are commonly confused, there is a significant distinction between them. Liposuction is used in a Brazilian Butt Lift to remove excess fat from areas such as the hips, waist, and thighs. This fat is then injected into the buttocks to produce a natural-looking result. Because your own fat is used in the surgery, you will not experience the restricted movement that can occasionally occur with implants. Implants come with more chances for risk and complications, while Brazilian Butt Lifts are not only safer but are perfect for most body types.

Brazilian Butt Lift Before & After Photos

See Belmont Plastic Surgery's Brazilian butt lift before and after results. It is important to look at before and after images to get an idea of what can be achieved with a BBL and to help guide the process with the doctor of determining your desired outcome.

Brazilian Butt Lift
Brazilian Butt Lift

View Before & After Gallery Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift
Frequently Asked Questions

BBL scars can be invisible, linear, or round and can take up to six months to one year to fully heal. For most patients at Belmont Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C., they’re happy to wait that long for such incredible results! Because BBL scars are typically so faint or nonexistent, you can wear whatever you want.

It's normal to experience discomfort for about 24 hours following your procedure. During that time you'll likely be sore and feel like taking things easy. Sitting down on your surgically-enhanced curves may also be hard for at least a week or two. But after two weeks, you'll start to feel back to normal and enjoy all of your newfound assets!

If you’re interested in fat transfer procedures to increase your butt size, then you may be considering how long they last. The good news is that Brazilian butt lift results can generally last for many years when performed by experienced surgeon like Dr. Feledy at Belmont Plastic Surgery. There are two main factors affecting longevity: 1) How much fat was transferred; 2) How well you take care of yourself after surgery. Most patients will see their final results within one year of surgery, but some patients have reported seeing their final results as early as three months after surgery!

The typical cost for a Brazilian butt lift in Washington, D.C., is $5,000 - $8,000. This price includes surgery and post-surgery recovery. On average, women spend about one week at home resting. If you choose to have liposuction done along with your BBL, you can expect to pay anywhere between $7,500-$9,500. Keep in mind that costs may vary based on an individual's unique needs and circumstances.

Financing Options

If any of our patients need it, we are happy to offer CareCredit. For financing from $300 to $25,000, CareCredit offers several plans with low minimum monthly payments that should be able to fit into most budgets.


Schedule your consultation today

The surgeons at Belmont Plastic Surgery are here to help you take the next step on your aesthetic journey. Whether you want to restore what has been lost or improve upon what you already have, our surgeons will help you make the best possible choices for your care and deliver excellent results. Every day is an opportunity to live a more beautiful life. Seize your opportunity today with a consultation at Belmont Plastic Surgery.

5530 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 814, Chevy Chase MD 20815

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