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Fat Transfer
Washington, DC | Chevy Chase, MD

Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer
Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer Fat Transfer
Fat Transfer

Natural Looking Results

Fat Transfer Surgery (Fat Grafting)

Fat Transfer, also known as autologous fat transfer, restores volume to several areas of your face and body using your own fat cells to gain natural looking results. During fat grafting, Drs. Jules Feledy removes fat cells from your abdomen (stomach), thighs, buttocks or elsewhere. He will refine and re-implant these fat cells beneath the skin to fill in areas that are affected by volume loss.

Remove Fat Cells

What is fat transfer?

A fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injections is the removal of the fat cells from one part of your body, filtered and then used in another part of the body to augment or improve it. Though more cosmetic surgeons use fat transfer, a surprisingly number of people still don't know this can be done.

Fat Transfer
Fat Transfer

Procedure Areas

Where areas of the body are fat transfers commonly performed?

Dr. Feledy performs fat transfer procedures in areas such as the:

  • Face
  • Body
  • Breasts
  • Hands
  • Labia

Augment and Correct

How does fat transfer work?

Usually requiring local anesthesia, fat is withdrawn from the donor site using a syringe with a large-bore needle or a liposuction cannula (a thin tube). Following removal, the fat is then injected into the recipient site to restore volume and improve signs of aging. Slight overfilling may be necessary to circumvent some of the inevitable fat re-absorption by the body. When fat is used to augment the cheeks, this over-correction may cause the face to appear abnormally fuller temporarily.

Fat Transfer
Fat Transfer

“It amazed me how fat from one part of my body could be used to improve another part. I thought that was only in science fiction movies but I guess things are advancing. Dr. Feledy clearly knows what he is doing with fat grafting and I was so happy with how fast the surgery went. I couldn't feel better about the final result.”

- W.P.*

Fat Transfer

What happens after fat transfer?

While some fat transfer treatments require a brief recovery period, many patients resume normal activity right away. Expect some swelling, bruising or redness in both the donor and recipient sites.

The severity of these symptoms will depend on the size and location of the treatment area. Stay out of the sun until redness and bruising subsides - usually about 48 hours. In the meantime, you may use makeup with sunblock protection to help conceal your condition. In some cases, swelling and puffiness in the recipient site will last for several weeks, especially if a large area was treated.

Fat Transfer

Fat Grafting Results

How long do the fat transfer results last?

While some patients say the results last at least a year, the majority of patients find that at least half of the injected fullness disappears within three to six months. Therefore, repeated injections may be necessary. Drs. Jules Feledy will advise you on how to maintain your results with repeat treatments. If you’d like to find out even more about how to get the best fat transfer Washington DC has to offer, contact us to set up your consultation today and see how we can help you.

Fat Transfer

A consultation about fat transfer in Washington DC with Dr. Jules Feledy

First step to getting the best fat transfer Washington DC has to offer, is picking a board certified plastic surgeon who is an expert in body contouring. Dr. Feledy conducts a full examination and listen to the physical goals you would like to achieve with the procedure. He will also show you fat transfer before and after photographs of his patients so you can look at his earlier work and see actual results for yourself and what to expect. It is important that you and Dr. Jules Feledy agree on the cosmetic details of your surgery in order to obtain the results that you want. The caring staff of Belmont Plastic Surgery will meet with you and make sure that any questions you have about financing and insurance are answered completely.

Financing Options

If any of our patients need it, we are happy to offer CareCredit. For financing from $300 to $25,000, CareCredit offers several plans with low minimum monthly payments that should be able to fit into most budgets.


Schedule your consultation today

The surgeons at Belmont Plastic Surgery are here to help you take the next step on your aesthetic journey. Whether you want to restore what has been lost or improve upon what you already have, our surgeons will help you make the best possible choices for your care and deliver excellent results. Every day is an opportunity to live a more beautiful life. Seize your opportunity today with a consultation at Belmont Plastic Surgery.

5530 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 814, Chevy Chase MD 20815

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