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Mommy Makeover
Belmont Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover

Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back

Belmont Plastic Surgery Offers Mommy Makeovers

Becoming a mom can cause many unwanted changes in your overall figure and body shape. Many new mothers experience excess or sagging skin around the abdomen, sagging and/or a loss of breast volume. A mommy makeover is a series of cosmetic surgery procedures specifically designed to help women regain their youthful body shape and figure after pregnancy and childbirth. Belmont Plastic Surgery offers mommy makeovers to women looking to regain their pre-baby body shape and figure following pregnancy and childbirth. Dr. Jules Feledy is an award-winning plastic surgeon, board-certified plastic surgeons, specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries like Mommy Makeovers in Washington DC. If you’re interested in learning more about our mommy makeover services, schedule your consultation today!

What is a mommy makeover?

Be the Mom You Want to See

A mommy makeover is a series of cosmetic surgery procedures specifically designed to help women regain their youthful figure after pregnancy and childbirth. For most patients, a mommy makeover involves tummy tuck surgery combined with breast augmentation or lift surgery.

Additionally, liposuction may be performed. Throughout the consultation process, Belmont Plastic Surgery’s renowned Dr. Feledy will work with you to create a personalized surgical plan to fit your specific needs and goals. Dr. Feledy offer patients mommy makeovers in Washington DC, a safe and successful approach with minimal downtime and overall recovery time.

Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover

Reclaim Your Body

What are the benefits of a mommy makeover?

The combination of breast lift or breast augmentation, abdominoplasty, and liposuction can dramatically improve your figure after childbirth. We know that every woman is different, and each mommy makeover is tailored to suit your specific needs and desires. Chevy Chase mommy makeover experts, Dr. Feledy also takes an integrative approach with nutrition therapy, skincare, and fitness as part of our comprehensive approach for optimal results. A mommy makeover can be important to regain confidence after pregnancy or weight fluctuations while still enjoying being a mom.

Am I A Good Candidate For A Mommy Makeover?

The Next Chapter

If you're a mother who is bothered by the changes brought on by pregnancy, then a mommy makeover may be right for you. The surgery is designed to address problems such as a protruding tummy, persistent areas of body fat, or sagging/deflated breasts. Patients are typically advised to wait at least six months after childbirth before considering a mommy makeover. If you are through with nursing and having children and are ready to move on to the next stage of your aesthetic journey, a mommy makeover can help you get there faster.

Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover

“Getting the 'Mommy Makeover' was the best decision I've made! I'd heard about it from a friend and, boy, do I feel like a new woman! I was told Belmont Plastic Surgery did the best mommy makeover in Chevy Chasethat I could get and that certainly seems accurate! Thanks, Dr. Feledy!”

- R.R.*

Mommy Makeover

Your Mommy Makeover Consultation

During your consultation with leading Washington DC plastic surgeon Dr. Jules Feledy will determine which procedures will help you regain a more youthful body shape.

They will also be available to answer any questions you have and discuss the procedures in detail so you can create a customized treatment plan. You’ll be confident that Belmont Plastic Surgery provides the safest mommy makeover Washington DC has to offer. As part of the process, Dr. Feledy will examine several factors to establish what physically occurred with your body as a result of motherhood and what your goals are for the mommy makeover. Before considering this surgery, you should keep in mind the following:

  • Being finished with breastfeeding is essential
  • You have decided no further childbirths are in your future
  • You are able to set up enough help and time to recover from the surgery as it will affect your normal schedule for several weeks

“Helping a mother who feels she's lost some of her beauty as a result of motherhood is a rewarding part of my job. I'm a father and greatly respect the dedication and physical stress a mother's body goes through in pregnancy. The fact that with a mommy makeover we can restore a mother back to feeling beautiful and more confident after such a stress is something all mothers should know.” -Dr. Jules Feledy

Mommy Makeover

Take Time For Yourself

Mommy Makeover Recovery

The recovery period after a mommy makeover can last anywhere from four to six weeks. During that time, you’ll need to limit your physical activity and get plenty of rest to ensure an optimal recovery. The most important thing you can do during recovery is to listen to your body and respect its limits. At home, it’s best to take things easy. You should be able to complete everyday household chores with little difficulty, but more strenuous activities like heavy lifting should be avoided for at least two to four weeks. Many women are still recovering when they return to work up to two or three weeks post-surgery.

Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Results

After surgery, most Washington DC mommy makeover patients can expect results such as a flatter abdomen, smaller waist, and lifted breasts but this will be dependent on the procedures performed. Recovery takes about four to six weeks. During that time, you’ll be able to return to work or school after two or three days, but we generally recommend at least a week off if possible. Your return to normal activities will be based on the procedures you have and will be discussed in detail prior to your surgery. It may take several months for your body shape and size to return to pre-pregnancy levels. Most of our patients are thrilled with their mommy makeover results and feel more confident about themselves after this procedure from Belmont Plastic Surgery. Our staff is committed to helping you look and feel your best during and after pregnancy. We will work closely with you to help create a personal plan designed just for you.

Mommy Makeover Before & After Photos

See Belmont Plastic Surgery's mommy makeover before and after results. It is important to look at before and after images to get an idea of what can be achieved with a surgery and to help guide the process with the doctor of determining the outcome you are going for.

Mommy Makeover
Mommy Makeover

View Before & After Gallery Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover

A New Beauty

Schedule your Washington DC Mommy Makeover consultation with Belmont Plastic Surgery today

Schedule your mommy makeover at Belmont Plastic Surgery in Washington, D.C. today to begin a surgical partnership that will transform your life.

Mommy Makeover
Frequently Asked Questions

While many patients are aware of aesthetic surgery’s benefits, one question that always comes up is whether or not a surgical procedure hurts. During a mommy makeover, you can expect mild discomfort during your recovery—but don’t worry, it won’t last long and is generally well tolerated with the need for minimal pain medication after surgery.

There are certain risks associated with any surgical procedure and a mommy makeover is no exception. The most common risks are bleeding, seroma or fluid collection, delayed wound healing and prolonged swelling or bruising however the risks for surgery will vary depending on which procedure is being performed as part of your mommy makeover and will be discussed with you.

Financing Options

If any of our patients need it, we are happy to offer CareCredit. For financing from $300 to $25,000, CareCredit offers several plans with low minimum monthly payments that should be able to fit into most budgets.


Schedule your consultation today

The surgeons at Belmont Plastic Surgery are here to help you take the next step on your aesthetic journey. Whether you want to restore what has been lost or improve upon what you already have, our surgeons will help you make the best possible choices for your care and deliver excellent results. Every day is an opportunity to live a more beautiful life. Seize your opportunity today with a consultation at Belmont Plastic Surgery.

5530 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 814, Chevy Chase MD 20815

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