Fuller Breasts and Better Self-Confidence
The breast augmentation and lift procedure can vary greatly depending on the needs and goals of the patient, but the outcome is typically the same — fuller breasts and better self-confidence. During your consultation with Dr. Feledy, he will work with you to achieve natural looking results based on your breast enhancement goals. Belmont Plastic Surgery offers some exceptional results for breast augmentation & lift procedures in Northern Virginia and Washington DC. Dr. Feledy is uniquely skilled in breast surgeries as he is not only a cosmetic surgeon, but also highly trained in breast reconstruction procedures.
Larger, More Youthful-Looking Breasts
Women in and around Washington, DC, who would like larger, more youthful-looking breasts frequently choose to have a breast lift with implants. This combination procedure is ideal for women who have deflated-looking breasts that lack volume and tend to droop.
A breast lift, which is also referred to as a mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that involves removing and reshaping the underlying tissue of the breasts to raise them to a higher position on the patient's chest. In addition to moving the breast mound and nipple-areolar complexes higher up on the chest, if necessary, the nipple-areolar complexes are reduced in size. Breast implant surgery, which is also referred to as a breast augmentation or an augmentation mammoplasty, can be used during the same surgical session to add volume to the breasts.
Considering a Breast Lift with an Augmentation?
Women whose breasts have become deflated-looking and pendulous due to excessive weight loss, breastfeeding, pregnancy and the natural aging process, may be good candidates for this combination procedure. A breast lift with an augmentation at Belmont Plastic Surgery, offers patients a way to attain larger, more youthful-looking breasts.
Understand The Risks, Benefits And Recovery
A good candidate for this procedure is a woman who would like her breasts to be larger and placed higher on her chest. She may also want Dr. Jules Feledy to address the size of her nipple-areolar complexes. The candidate must be healthy and understand what Dr. Feledy can accomplish for her with this combination procedure. She must also understand the risks, benefits and recovery requirements of this procedure. The candidate should be a non-smoker, or be willing to stop using products that contain nicotine for at least one month before and one month after her breast lift with an augmentation. It is vital that patients follow this recommendation because nicotine narrows the blood vessels, which makes it difficult for blood to get to the areas of the breasts that need to be healed. A longer healing time could lead to complications, including infection.
Benefits of a Combination Mastopexy with Breast Implant Surgery
Many of the women in Washington, DC, who choose to undergo this combination procedure have breasts that sag, appear deflated and have overstretched nipple-areolar complexes that point downward. The lift will raise the breast mound, the nipple-areolar complexes will be reduced in size and then transferred to the newly revised breast mounds, and the implants will add volume.
Combining a mastopexy with breast implants provides patients with breasts that are about a cup-size larger than they were before the procedure, nipple-areolar complexes that are proportionate to the patient's new breast size and breasts that sit higher on the patient’s chest. After this procedure, the pendulous effect that frequently occurs with age, due to excessive weight loss, pregnancy and/or breastfeeding is eliminated. While performing a lift, Dr. Feledy strategically shapes and positions the patient's breast mounds to provide her with a beautifully contoured, natural-looking result.
When you arrive at Belmont Plastic Surgery, please bring your completed registration forms with you. These forms are available here. Dr. Feledy will want to discuss your medical history, especially as it pertains to your breasts.
He needs to know which medications you take regularly because some medications can cause excess bleeding and will need to be discontinued prior to your combination procedure. If you participate in recreational drug use, or drink alcoholic beverages on a regular basis, please let Dr. Feledy know. If you have any questions, please go ahead and ask them at your consultation. Dr. Jules Feledy and his medical staff prefer that patients are knowledgeable about the procedures they are considering and the procedures they choose to have.
After learning what you would like to accomplish by having a breast lift with an augmentation in Washington DC, Dr. Feledy will want to examine your breasts. He will be checking the quality of your skin; he may also take measurements and photographs of your breasts to place in your medical chart. These photos and measurements are used as Dr. Feledy creates your personalized surgical plan. These photographs will also serve as a means for comparing your presurgical breasts to your post-surgical breasts. It is important to note that every staff member at Belmont Plastic Surgery takes patient confidentiality seriously, therefore, Dr. Feledy and his staff will never take the liberty of using your photos for any other purpose (e.g., before and after examples for other patients). All of Belmont's before and after photos of patients have been approved for use by the patients in the photos. After your examination, Dr. Jules Feledy will know if you are a good candidate for a breast lift with an augmentation. If you are a good candidate, and you choose Dr. Feledy to perform your procedure, he can start working on your surgical plan. However, there are some choices related to the breast implant procedure that you need to make. Dr. Feledy will discuss your options and make recommendations. Once these choices are made, he will create your customized mastopexy with breast implants surgical plan.
Make The Best Implant Choice Possible
Choosing which implants to use can be a big decision, however, Dr. Feledy and his staff can help you with comparing the implant options and then assist you with making the best implant choice possible. The type and size of the breast implant you choose affects how you will look, and feel following your Washington, DC, breast lift with an augmentation.
- These breast implants are FDA-approved for women who are at least 18 years old. The saline implant shell arrives empty and is filled on-site during the patient's procedure. Sterile salt water is the fluid used to fill these breast implant shells.
Women who are only having breast implant surgery and not a lift may choose this implant option because Dr. Feledy places the saline implant shells empty and then fills them with saline, therefore, the incision used for this type of implant is smaller than the one required for the pre-filled silicone gel breast implants available. Despite the longer incision, some women still choose the pre-filled silicone gel breast implants because the saline breast implant is more likely to rupture than its silicone counterparts. In addition, saline breast implants do not feel as natural as the silicone implants do.
- These breast implants are FDA- approved for women who are at least 22 years of age. Silicone breast implants are pre-filled, so they arrive at Belmont Plastic Surgery ready for insertion. Silicone gel implants are the most popular breast implant option. Many women in and around Washington, DC, choose this type of implant because of its realistic feel and natural-looking result.
- These breast implants are FDA-approved for women who are at least 22 years of age. These highly-cohesive form-stable breast implants consist of a thick gel that remains intact even when the implant is cut in half (just as a piece of gummy bear candy would). It is this characteristic that has earned the highly-cohesive form-stable gel breast implants their 'gummy bear' nickname.
Although these breast implants do not feel as natural as the silicone gel implants do, if you are concerned about ruptures, this breast implant is your best option because even if the shell of a gummy bear breast implant breaks, the implant holds its shape, indefinitely.
Yes, the silicone used today is much different than the silicone that was used for breast implant procedures in the past. Previous silicone breast implants consisted of a silicone that was more liquefied, therefore, in the event of a rupture, the silicone could move around the body. However, the gel used today is thick and, therefore, should a rupture occur, this silicone gel remains within its shell or inside its pocket, thus, eliminating any concerns related to it moving around in the body.
Your shape options include round or teardrop (aka anatomical). Keep in mind that the type of implant you choose may directly affect your shape and texture options. Round breast implants consist of saline or silicone and tend to make the breasts appear more voluptuous in the upper pole of the breast than the highly-cohesive form-stable breast implants do. Another benefit of the round breast implant is that there is much less concern related to them rotating out of place because their shape remains the same all over. These breast implants are usually smooth, which helps them look and feel more natural.
If you choose to have Dr. Feledy place smooth implants during your breast lift with augmentation procedure, these implants can move freely within their pockets, which makes their movement closely resemble that of the natural breast; however, smooth implants are more likely to have a visible or palpable ripple than a textured breast implant is. The highly-cohesive form-stable gummy bear breast implant is shaped like a teardrop, which mimics that of the natural breast. The teardrop-shaped implant adds very little volume to the upper pole of the breast and provides the patient with natural-looking volume in the lower half. However, if gummy bear breast implants rotate out of place, it would be very noticeable, which is why this type of breast implant is usually textured. The textured surface helps the implant remain in place because the body creates scar tissue that adheres to this surface, which helps keep the implant from changing positions. Gummy bear breast implants are ideal for women who would like a natural-looking result with just a slight size increase.
Implant projection amount refers to how far you want your breasts to project in your side profile once your breast lift with augmentation is complete. Your projection options are low, medium or high.
Dr. Feledy can place the implants behind the breast tissue, but on top of the muscle (i.e., subglandular) or behind both the tissue and the pectoral muscle (i.e., submuscular). Dr. Feledy will recommend the placement that he believes will provide you with optimal results. Dr. Feledy’s recommendations are based on a several factors, including the amount of breast tissue a patient has and the type of implant he is placing.
Determine Your Ideal Size
While someone who has always had breasts on the small side may consider adding multiple cup sizes to her breasts, this is not always the best plan. Dr. Jules Feledy and his medical staff have been helping women attain beautiful, natural-looking breasts for years. One of the best ways to determine the implant size that will provide you with the look you want is to view the photos in Belmont Plastic Surgery's before and after breast lift with augmentation, and breast implant surgery galleries.
Dr. Feledy and his staff may have other tips to assist you with determining your ideal implant size. Women who only want to slightly increase the size of their breasts or who would just like to sculpt and shape the upper poles of their breasts and cleavage area, may choose to have fat grafting performed instead of breast implants placed. Dr. Feledy can harvest fat from another area of the patient’s body (e.g., the flanks, thighs or abdomen), purify the harvested fat and then transfer it to targeted areas of the breasts.
As Dr. Feledy creates the patient's custom-designed surgical plan, he will determine which type of lift will provide the patient with the best breast lift with augmentation results possible. He will discuss the type of lift he recommends with the patient prior to her surgery. Mastopexy incision options include the anchor, crescent, donut and lollipop: Dr. Feledy can place breast implants using any of these mastopexy incision techniques.
At Belmont Plastic Surgery, the breast lift with implants is an outpatient procedure, which means that patients will return home after their surgery. Since patients do receive general anesthesia during this procedure, they are unable to drive themselves home, therefore, patients need to bring a licensed driver with them on the day of their surgery. Dr. Feledy encourages patients to choose someone that is at least 18 years old and that they trust completely. Patients who do not arrive with a driver will have to reschedule their procedure because Dr. Feledy forbids patients who undergo a surgical procedure requiring sedation to use public transportation, a taxi or any other kind of service to take them home. This rule was put in place and is strictly followed in order to protect Dr. Feledy's patients. Safety is always of the utmost importance at Belmont Plastic Surgery.
Patients Must Choose a Trustworthy Caregiver
Besides having a driver, the patient also needs to ask someone to remain with her for at least 48-hours after her procedure. The person the patient chooses as a caregiver must be someone that she is completely comfortable with because this individual may be helping her in a variety of ways (e.g., walking to and from the washroom, gently changing into a different set of clothes, etc.)
You need to have very loose-fitting, button-up shirts and/or gowns set out in an easy-to-reach location that does not require you to lift your arms to attain them. In addition, have pants and/or shorts that do not require zipping or buttoning at the same location. Choosing these kinds of clothes ensures that you remain as comfortable as possible as you recover.
Create yourself a recovery area: It must be in a place where you can remain sitting up. Following your surgery, you will not be lying flat for some time. Many patients find that creating their recovery area in their living room by a recliner works well. Make sure everything is in easy reach and does not require that you lift your arms or bend forward. Items you should place on your recovery table include facial tissues, your medications, a telephone (landline and cellular), bottled water, healthy snacks to eat before you take your medication, remote controls, etc. You will also need extra pillows to gently hold up to your chest as you sneeze and/or cough.
What to Expect
Patients need to arrive at least 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment. This combination procedure can take up to three hours to complete. Dr. Feledy may visit the patient in pre-op. During which time, he will use a medical marker to create himself a guide on the patient's breasts. If patients have any last-minute questions, they are encouraged to ask them. The patient receives general anesthesia. Once the patient is asleep, Dr. Feledy begins the procedure.
The patient’s combination breast lift with augmentation procedure is now complete and she is moved to the recovery area. Once the patient is fully awake, she is released to her driver. Before leaving the surgery center, she may receive a prescription for pain medication. It is important that the patient has this prescription filled right away. Otherwise, she may not have it when she needs it. Prior to leaving Belmont Plastic Surgery, the patient receives information about caring for herself and her breasts. Her discharge papers may have her follow-up visit listed on them. It is important that the patient keeps this appointment so that Dr. Feledy can examine her breasts to determine how well they are healing. He will also be able to answer any questions she has.
This approach is typically used when a patient has breasts that are severely pendulous. This is the technique used for a traditional, full breast lift. During this procedure, Dr. Feledy creates three incisions: one around the nipple-areolar complex, a vertical incision that extends from the base of the nipple-areolar complex to the breast crease (aka the inframammary fold) and a horizontal incision that runs along the breast crease.
This type of lift is used when a patient is experiencing moderate to severe sagging. An incision is created around the border of the nipple-areolar complex and then from the base of the nipple-areolar complex to the inframammary fold.
This procedure may also be referred to as the Benelli Lift. This lift is perfect for women who have minimal breast droop. Dr. Feledy makes an incision around the border of the patient's nipple-areolar complex.
This is another procedure that can be used when a patient has minimal breast droop. A crescent-shaped incision is created just above the areola.
As you move through recovery, it is essential that you follow the recommendations from Dr. Jules Feledy and his medical staff. Following these suggestions will expedite your recovery and assist you with avoiding post-surgical complications. You should expect to have some bruising and inflammation. Soreness is also common after a mastopexy with breast implants. If you received a prescription for pain medication, be sure to fill it right away and take the medication as prescribed. Following this recommendation will make your recovery easier. Since you had a combination breast lift with implant procedure, directly after your surgery, your breasts will sit higher on your chest than anticipated. This happens because the breast implants need some time to descend into their pockets. As the implants descend, your breasts will gradually move downward until they reach their desired location.
Most of Dr. Feledy's patients can begin performing light activities and return to work within 10 days of their procedure. However, patients need to limit their activity for at least six weeks. Patients must refrain from participating in physical activities and lifting heavy objects until Dr. Feledy releases them to do so. It is extremely important that you wear the compression garment you received after your surgery. This garment helps your body heal by reducing post-operative inflammation and decreasing the incidence of bruising. Since the garment reduces inflammation, it also decreases the amount of pain you experience. Once the swelling has faded, the compression garment is no longer necessary. Patients should request at least two weeks off school and/or work. Although most patients are able to return sooner, Dr. Feledy prefers that his patients request the two weeks because, for the majority of patients, asking to return earlier is typically easier than asking for an extension. Although the scars resulting from a breast lift with augmentation will always be present, the patient can help with reducing their visibility by following any after-scar treatment recommendations they receive from Dr. Feledy and by not exposing her mastopexy incisions to the UV rays of the sun or tanning beds for at least a year. Exposing these incisions to UV rays can result in hyperpigmentation, which refers to an extreme darkening of the skin. If the incisions/scars do become hyperpigmented, it could be permanent, thus, making the scars much more visible.
Breast changes will continue as part of the natural aging process and there is no way to prevent these changes. However, the results of your mastopexy with breast implants are long-lasting. One of the best ways to prolong your results is to eat well and exercise.
All procedures carry some type of risk. When referring to a Washington DC breast lift with augmentation, complications are rare. However, knowing the potential complications and risks of any procedure you are considering is important.
Risks and complications associated with a combination breast lift with augmentation procedure include:
The only way to determine how much your combination procedure will cost is for you to schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Feledy. During your appointment, he will examine your breasts and find out what you would like to accomplish with these procedures.
Patients who are unable to pay for their procedures outright have the option of applying for one of the financing programs available at Belmont Plastic Surgery. These programs (CareCredit® and ALPHAEON CREDIT), allow patients to have their procedures and then make monthly payments on them.
If you decide to have an elective plastic surgery procedure, choosing an experienced, board-certified surgeon is essential to obtaining the best results possible. Since the U.S. News and World Report ranks Dr. Feledy as one of the top aesthetic and reconstructive surgeons in Maryland; why not let Dr. Feledy and his staff help you attain the physique you desire?
Dr. Jules Feledy is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Chevy Chase, Maryland, near Washington, DC. If you are thinking about having a breast lift with augmentation, contact Belmont Plastic Surgery at (301) 654-5666 today to schedule your consultation. Belmont Plastic Surgery is located near Washington, DC, at 5530 Wisconsin Avenue, Ste #818, Chevy Chase, Maryland.
If any of our patients need it, we are happy to offer CareCredit. For financing from $300 to $25,000, CareCredit offers several plans with low minimum monthly payments that should be able to fit into most budgets.
EXPLORE FINANCING OPTIONSSchedule your consultation today
The surgeons at Belmont Plastic Surgery are here to help you take the next step on your aesthetic journey. Whether you want to restore what has been lost or improve upon what you already have, our surgeons will help you make the best possible choices for your care and deliver excellent results. Every day is an opportunity to live a more beautiful life. Seize your opportunity today with a consultation at Belmont Plastic Surgery.
5530 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 814, Chevy Chase MD 20815
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