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Belmont Aesthetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgery

The Picture Perfect Peel

December 6, 2013 - By Dr. Jules Feledy

Skin Rejuventation with the Picture Perfect Peel

One thing that is synonymous with the holidays is the photograph. When gathering with friends and family, you can count on photos being taken whether they are capturing candid moments or your routine scheduled family photos for the Christmas card to come. Having snapshot-worthy skin can be tricky, especially with the increased stress and harsh weather conditions that come with the holidays. Learn about the chemical peel to combat a crummy complexion in your Christmas candids.

VI Facial Rejuvenation

The VI peel is a favorite among chemical peel regulars and is rapidly becoming the go-to for first timers. Chemical peels of the past promise wonderful results but images of flaking skin and hidden faces come to mind. Red, sore and tender faces are forced into winter hibernation until completely healed. However, the VI facial is ideal for the holidays because recovery time is very short and much less painful than other treatments.

Low Recovery Time

This time of year it feels like every day has a commitment to uphold. The thought of taking time to recover from a chemical peel where sunlight and socializing is off limits seems pretty much impossible. The VI facial rejuvenation procedure boasts low recovery time and will have you back to your regular routine the next day. You can even wear makeup!

If a more youthful complexion is something you are interested in achieving this holiday season, you should consider all of the skin procedures available. Certain treatments combat and correct specific imperfections and your cosmetic physician will be your best asset in determining if V1 is the right peel for you.

Learn More About Facial Rejuvenation

To learn more about VI facial rejuvenation click here

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The surgeons at Belmont Plastic Surgery are here to help you take the next step on your aesthetic journey. Whether you want to restore what has been lost or improve upon what you already have, our surgeons will help you make the best possible choices for your care and deliver excellent results. Every day is an opportunity to live a more beautiful life. Seize your opportunity today with a consultation at Belmont Plastic Surgery.

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